Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sulfur Lime Bath Cats


Today the birds have attacked our balcony :-)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

So Cap Extensions Before And After

sun still shines beautifully :-) I was this morning on a very long walk. Wonderful feeling, a light frost and sun. Tomorrow too will choose for a morning walk.

Yesterday I started, I finished today, felt flowers - brooches

Monday, February 14, 2011

Manhattan 460668 Software

Felt flowers felted silk scarves, nunofelting

beautiful day in our weather, the sun shines and illuminates our large room ;-)
A bit of it has changed recently, we changed the color of the walls, and in the end we have a new lamp. I have to sew new blinds. It will be beautiful ;-)

recently with great pleasure wyfilcowaƂam few scarves, here they are: