Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Racquel Darrian Shows

Absolutely pornographic

They are absolutely pornographic salaries and bonuses that these guys, the managers of financial firms to charge us marvel at his extraordinary acts of management.

was based on the decisions of these highly paid managers who have built these great and gleaming financial giants based on very shaky ground and with the results that we all have to be seen.
admit that I was never a great understanding of economics, and I never understood some of the financial products they could not see where it would exit the revenue needed to sustain them. Always seemed to me that the model was based on speculation and continues that at some point it would be untenable, which seems to be happening.
Moreover, I believe that the financial model of scholarship, which I understand to be based on a requirement of continuous growth results of listed companies at some point reach a similar situation as the market is not infinite.

Already at the time of the Internet bubble, I could not understand some business model that relied on asking millions to investors without providing any revenue source and its only indicator the number of hits from visitors. There were millions in expenses and revenues did not exist and I did not understand how these projects were financed. Anyway ....

I believe that after all, I do not understand these complex business models, will not be a problem derived from my intellectual incapacity and unpreparedness specifies, but the fact that these models are authentic bulls, where a lot of "experts" can make a huge number of people believe that these models work and what they will bring progress.

What I would like to share with all of this article, published by Carlos Rosado Carvalho, Journalist, on 1 October 2008 in the Economic Daily. ____

Executive pay

In the five years preceding the crisis, administrators the five largest U.S. investment banks received 3100 million dollars.

The crisis in financial markets has put the matter again with the salaries of top managers of today. According to news agency Bloomberg, the five-year period 2003-2007, the administrators of the five largest U.S. investment banks - Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch, Lehman Brothers and Bear Stearns - have received 3100 million dollars. This amount represents only 3% of the profits of the five in the period, but we must not forget that some of these results were based on sand castles.
Stanley O'Neal, chairman and CEO of Merrill Lynch through October 2007 leads the list with $ 172 million in the five years between salaries, bonuses, shares and options to purchase shares. To this are that total approximately 160 million dollars, according to calculations by The New York Times, the executive would receive as compensation and retirement plans.
"We would like to thank Stan leading the transformation of Merrill Lynch in a global and diversified company with enormous potential ahead," said Alberto Cabriori, newly appointed 'chairman' of the interim bank.
Compliments of circumstance at the time of farewell are normal in any organization. But as is now proved - on September 15 last Merrill had to be bought by Bank of America to avoid bankruptcy - Cabriori exaggerated. At least it was unwise.
is that O'Neal left Merrill with quarterly losses of 2300 million dollar and depreciation of assets of 8,400 million dollars, part of which have been related to mortgage crisis that came to the attention of the public only in summer 2007 but that certainly was no secret to top bankers. The recklessness of

Cabriori can only be justified in light of power relations within some companies that groups of managers function as a kind of clan, protecting each other. It is perhaps no coincidence that Cabriori was the first administrator to put O'Neal on his team when he ascended to the leadership of Merrill in 2002.
In the capitalist system, the power companies begin to belong to one person: the founder. As a capitalist and manager only has to give satisfaction to himself.
With the demise of the founder and the dispersion of capital stock, the power falls into the hands of professional managers. In some, the president of the company becomes the king in a court composed of his fellow directors and other senior company paid princely as if they were geniuses. According to Bloomberg, in 2007, when the crisis has made itself felt, on average, each employee of the five largest U.S. investment banks, received $ 353,000, of which 211,000 related to premiums.

No comment.

Carlos Rosado Carvalho, Journalist
Published 1 October 2008 in the Economic Daily
Original article in html

Maybe it's time for these "managers" to be held accountable for their actions, and for lack of better alternatives, I propose to be lynched in public, like impaled for 10 hours by a character style Rocco Sifredi, or even better by a Long Dong Silver, but with the "instrument" folded. This would be televised live worldwide, with 24 cameras, and repeat every 24 hours over three years.

I think they deserve a lot because to make matters worse none of them is my relative or friend and I could not enjoy these riches that led to them and their friends.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Inositol Ocd How It Works

Technology Plan - Getting the house through the roof

The self-titled "Engineer" walks very aterafado to inaugurate the "School 2.0" and shouting to the seven winds which have the best equipped schools in the world thanks to its Technology Plan. Imagine that was until this week to inaugurate the Port schools (schools open for decades, some almost centenary, but still were opened).
As noted that the elections are close by.

is a pity that only the pseudo-engineer should with his presence for the openings (and pseudo-openings) and always miss the funerals of dozens of schools that are closing by the parents.
Also it must be remembered that at the moment, we are talking about the inauguration of a half dozen schools that must represent less than 0.05% of Portuguese schools.

But the most important message that the prime minister wants to convey is that within a few months we will have 0.5 youth, young people and a few privileged young 1.0 2.0, ie we have:
- 0.5 Young people who mostly reside in the countryside, which not even have schools (one I saw today on TV at inscribed primary chick in Spain). Then complain about the desertification of the country.
- 1.0 Young, who are the majority and that schools have always (ill-equipped, degraded, insecure and lacking in staff and equipment)
- Young 2.0, the privileges that have access to technological equipment and Internet will be a minority for the first time will probably be in much smaller number than 0.5.

What was the criteria used to define these citizens first, second and third class?! Who decided?

Some of these issues are understandable and may even be accepted, because this technological upgrade can not be done from one day to another and some time is necessary to equip all schools. But it is unacceptable to close schools and discrimination to some Portuguese, denying he's the universal right to education and constitutional.

refrained me a little thing I wanted to and that resulted in the name of this post, back to the Technology Plan and see some interesting details of it.

According to the Government, within a few months we have thousands of technological devices scattered throughout the schools, so far so well.
What the Government has not explained is how we will support and maintain thousands of these devices.
already been started to install some equipment in some schools (PC's, electronic tables, Internet, wireless networks, video surveillance, servers, etc. ...), but the equipment in use, quantities and spoken in the hands of teachers and students, will soon start giving problems.
When you begin to give problems, which you do?! Who connects? Who will do the support equipment? Manufacturer is that? What is the serial number? What firmware is installed? ..... But someone

minimally serious, plan a party to this size without first mounting a platform to ensure the registration of installed equipment and enable the automation of registration and support!? Well, it seems that our Technology Plan started that way.

Consider this: The various competitions
supply networks, frames, PCs, etc ... already been launched and mostly awarded and ongoing (but could not do without these openings be due to some favors certain companies, which would raise suspicions of favoritism, right?).

However, the competition to provide the Plan Tecnológico de a platform support has not yet been released. At this point, I draw attention to the fact that a support platform have to take:
- a software design tool for recording all property and occurrences (Asset and Service Management),
- a communications platform (call-center )
- trained and skilled operators,
- a lot of information about the products to maintain,
- a technology infrastructure to support all this,
- accommodation
- legal agreements 2nd line support,
- etc ...
As you can see a platform to support thousands of devices, with thousands of users, we put around a thousand locations, is very much far from being a simple thing to build and operate.
For it does not exist yet and have only begun to think about it.

Moreover, these devices are already being placed in schools. Who is to undertake an inventory of equipment and all its features.
Who is making that equipment is installed where? Serial number that had the equipment? What are their technical characteristics? That Manufacturer Model? What firmware? What configuration? That configuration was?
who hosted and gave the OK to install? etc, etc, etc. ....
Where you are registering this information will be made? On paper? In excel sheet? In Access databases or SQL?
For the love of god, then how and who retrieves this information?

also have not heard in the training plans for users! So if we take cars to people we should not teach driving first?
Such equipment in the hands of untrained personnel will not be too much use, because without proper training can not take full advantage of its potential. Is this the concept of the Government to increase productivity?!
Then we must bear in mind that equipment placed in the hands of people ill-prepared are much more exposed to impact because it increases the risk of breakdowns and desconfigurações (not to mention theft, vandalism, etc. ...).

Anyway, could extend me a little more, but the points made are enough to understand that we got the house through the roof.

The Government's Technological Plan began as a bad idea, since the favoring of certain technologies to the detriment of other agreements promiscuous that favor some technology companies, it now seems that is being poorly executed, beginning with the draft without answering the most basic needs.

It was born that is born crooked and twisted ....
Just pray that everything will compose and that in Portugal a few months is not the world leader in the statistics of schools full of electronic equipment damaged.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

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If you stick ...

Here is a pretty popular Portuguese phrase cancionário with which I identify:


a great phrase!

So let's see, this means: IF YOU

PAU, that is, if you "dick", if you're a guy.
HANDLE THERE IN PAU, this means, go play with your pilinha and leave in peace

IF YOU HAVE NOT, that is, if you are not "dick", if you are a bitch. HANDLE THERE IN MY
, this means, do not get there empty-handed that I lend you mine (but only for a little bit and not separate from me).

Now here's a chorus worthy of note and that most heterosexual identifies.

PS - I decided to illustrate this review with a picture of a versatile toy for adults. It's a toy
so versatile that sometimes one wanted to take the car (hanging from the mirror, for example) to wave him to certain drivers (and drivers) on Sunday, which insist on me doing everything to arouse the libido. Explain, is that many, after I cross the road with them if he could fucked them.)

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Quotes For Family With Sick

Henry Ferdinand Kaden

To be able to enjoy it is harder than to be able to suffer.

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Johannes Kepler

"Joy is a need, the strength and value of life."

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St. John of the Cross

Joy is the heart of the soul, it illuminates and warms all of which fall the rays.

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Michel de Montaigne

"You have to spread the joy."

Thursday, April 24, 2008

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Wang Wei Meng Haoran


My mind is in middle age he found his way:
came to settle on the mountainside.
When I want to, I wander Solo
Among the beauty that is only for me.
I walked until the water stops me
Then I sit looking at the flowing clouds.
One day I will meet in the forest ripe old woodcutter;
We will talk and laugh, and never come back.

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saying goodbye WANG WEI

hesitated a long time, I did not want to move;
Day after day passed, Now I gotta go.
would be wonderful flowers along the way,
If their view is not meant parting.
The powerful of this world mistreat us,
big things people are not our type.
Nothing I say, setting off home, I want to close the gate
old garden.

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Du Fu


heard often, visiting nobles
how you played the song in the royal palaces.
spring passed, and now at the bottom River
sitting alone among the fallen flowers.

Mount Taishan

What can I say about this great mountain?
ancient principality are always green.
Their origin and life through the breath of creation,
Yin and Yang in balance by day and night.
laid bare his chest in the direction of the cracks in the clouds,
strain my eyes for the birds mknącymi home.
When are you going osięgnę This summit,
To be able to advance all see at a glance?


What can I say about the Great Peak? -
ancient duchy are always green.
arise and last for like a breath of creation:
redouble divide night and day.
I go naked to the waist in the direction of open A vision of cloud
watching birds flying home.

When I finally I'll get there? -
I look at all the mountains?
/ crowd. books /


the wilderness Qinghai
lie shattered skeletons
new ghosts cry: "Non-material"
Only the old cry

Monday, April 21, 2008

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René Camus

Albert Camus / 1913-1960 / The Stranger
"The absurdity is mostly divorced man and the world."

Albert Camus / 1913-1960 / The Plague
"Can one be a saint without God is the only concrete problem I know."

Albert Camus / 1913-1960 / The Rebel / 1951
"The future is only the transcendence of man without God."

Albert Camus / 1913-1960 / The Rebel / 1951
"Man is the only creature who refuses to be what it is."

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Rene Barjavel / 1911-1985 / Hunger of the Tiger / 1966

"drained of old religions, like figs, the other for season withered tree in winter ... current Priests, bishops fatty pastors to consciousness familias tearing tufts of good words to nest their sheep, rabbis rabbis, monks shaved up inside the brain, all have God lost, lost path, from the time they run. They kept the name and painted images. Images in their image, name covered with flies. God. What else to call it? "

Rene Barjavel / 1911-1985 / The hunger of the tiger / 1966
" But what is the nature?
This entity, referred to by the spirits rationalists to explain the unexplainable, very much like a god to whom we dare not speak its name, and we will cut off any and every spirit initiative. "

René Barjavel / 1911-1985 / Une rose au paradis / 1981
"Les hommes Revent, se fabriquent des mondes et des dieux idéaux. Assurent la Les femmes et la continuité solidité du Reel."

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

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Andrzej Mazur

White snow, black crows
I'm going home!

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Nan Shan

"When dusk
based on my stick,
earn the top."

"This world, I do not understand anything
Silence! "

"At first we look at the finger, then
, look at the moon,
finally, the moon looks on your finger."

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

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"Conversations with the Dalai Lama. New Physics and Cosmology" edited by A. Zajonc

"It is possible that the order appears only from the viewpoint of an observer, he sees both events simultaneously. (...) order depends on the observer notującego results. There is, after all matter whether they are two people or a . It is important that the presence of an observer looking at these two lists of data. " (Pp. 64-65)

Observer is not necessarily the one who sees, but this, which describes and WIE. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe order does not exist without someone standing there and looking for him, records the results and finally give your label this phenomena: "Ah, there is order!" If there is someone called, someone who knows, back to the mess. "(P. 65)

Thursday, March 27, 2008

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" Aimer, ce n'est pas se regarder l'un l'autre, c'est regarder dans la meme direction. "

" Love does not mean to look at each other, that is, look in the same direction. "

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Bertrand Russell Emerson

" misfortune this world is that fools are confident and pundits perplexed. "

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

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" Everyone has his own vocation . Talent, who is calling. There is always a direction that opens the space in front of us. We always have some ability to invite us to an endless effort. We are like a ship on the river: we encounter obstacles from all sides - except one, and from that side all obstacles are taken, and this site, we can swim over to the infinite depth of God's seas.

This talent and this call depend on our degree of organization, from the kind of incarnation of our soul. We decide to act in a way that it gives us no difficulty, and what we evaluate as good when this accomplished, and what no other person can not make happen. Where we have no rivals. Because the more we rely on our own strength, the more the result of our work will be different from anyone else's performance . When we are truly faithful to ourselves and our ideals, our ambitions are directly proportional to naszyego effort.

Through our work we provide for other needs that you only can we meet. "

source: here

Friday, March 14, 2008

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Lao Tzu

" The supreme purpose of travel is not to know already that contemplates. Every being, every thing is an opportunity to travel, to contemplate. "

" Wise does not collect, he lives for others and this is rich. "

" Who the great poses steps away will not escape. "

" Man is born a weak and mięki die hard and strong. "

" Sometimes the hardest najkruchsza gentleness overcomes force. "

"(...) to be able to become fully such what it is that is in harmony with their nature and the nature of the world .. "

Monday, March 10, 2008

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FRANCAIS Johann Heinrich Lambert

Ici vous donner them voudrais quelques mots en francais. J 'adore cette langue :-) Salutations!

Richard J. Needham
"Il est plus facile de la posséder vigueur de la jeunesse quand on est vieux, que la sagesse de la vieillesse quand on est young. "

JG Leboeuf
" As long as you have the courage to make plans and set yourself goals, you will not age. "

" The man is old when regrets take the place of dreams. "


Henry IV" The best way to get rid of an enemy is to make himself a friend. "


" Who ceases to be a friend never has been. "


Louis Aragon
" Open if you can not cry your old address book. "

"Love does not look at each other, looking in the same direction."

Doris Lussier
"The two most important human values \u200b\u200bare universal and unconditional love of beings, and then the humor. The love which justifies us to live ... and the humor that we console. "

"Nothing is dirtier than the self-esteem."


"Time does not erase love, he transforms it."


St. Augustine
"The true measure of love is to love without measure."


"Dieu ne nous promet pas une Traversée facile, mais nous Il assure une Arrivée a bon port."


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"C'est en nous que se trouve le bonheur, et toujours Pourtant c'est presque à l'exterieur que nous cherchons."

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"Friendship is born love of solitude in the wilderness."

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"In life as in sport - a man must go through many failures before they learn to win."

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Pierre de Brantome

"A world without women would be like a garden without flowers."

Friday, February 29, 2008

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Fr. Christopher J. Tischner

"He is either a believer or is in despair."

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Krzysztof Krauze

"Maturation of love and close to our heart to it that the main motives of human life."
"regardless of what love has a name - be it friendship, love or faith - is the most important driver of our actions."

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"I've always tried to live very intensively, but also have the ability to focus. To not receive the world and people superficially. "
" There are events in our lives, to which we attach quite the weight, which reflected a loud echo after many years. Some silliness, doggedness, a benevolent gesture of disregard, of the sample. Any bad word spoken to the nearest person. And other events, which in the bustle of daily attach great importance, in general do not have any incident. "

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Michael Zablocki

" I want to live with what I do and not do it, of which I live. "

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Lama Govinda

"Samsara is a world of eternal struggle and contention, the world irreconcilable opposites, a world of duality, who lost his balance, resulting in being tossed at him from one extreme to the other. "