Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Implantation Bleeding Pink


"Conversations with the Dalai Lama. New Physics and Cosmology" edited by A. Zajonc

"It is possible that the order appears only from the viewpoint of an observer, he sees both events simultaneously. (...) order depends on the observer notujÄ…cego results. There is, after all matter whether they are two people or a . It is important that the presence of an observer looking at these two lists of data. " (Pp. 64-65)

Observer is not necessarily the one who sees, but this, which describes and WIE. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe order does not exist without someone standing there and looking for him, records the results and finally give your label this phenomena: "Ah, there is order!" If there is someone called, someone who knows, back to the mess. "(P. 65)


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