Friday, May 20, 2011

Barbie Merchants Armani

Bell 322 or Fashion color Brzoskwinka:) Jumpy

Today I present to you paint, which currently have on your nails:)
is a chameleon paint. Sometimes it is pure Brzoskwinka, often going in different, sometimes even in orange.
Capturing the color was really a great challenge. I'm not happy with the result, because that's not it. The closest is the central image, but I would add it ciupkę orange.
Turning to the finish. It has a color Brzoskwinki. He found the perfect balance between an orange and pink. It is fresh. Conspicuous. The color is very nice and yesterday about 10 people skomplementowało it:). Qualitative
is good. Dries average, Jumpy rozpieściły me and the 1-2 hour wait to be completely dried up agony. Does not bubble. Not distinguished durability.
brush belong to me, is quite narrow, "supple".
All highly recommend this paint! Sure to have it in my collection:)

------------ And now a really short haul. I wanted to show you what I bought yesterday, and what reviews may be expected soon:)
Using Rossmannie promotion, which ended yesterday, I bought:
- Rossmann, Isan Hair, Glättungs Spülung (Smoothing Shampoo hair)
Bought It obviously influenced by visage 2.99 zł whole. : D

- Rival de Loop, Klarende Maske


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