Sunday, April 17, 2011

Closetmaid Vs. Rubbermaid Kit

Easter gingerbread

next with tasty decoration, or gingerbread version of Easter. They are very delicious and look beautiful. I made them using these wykrawaczek , a little pricey, but beautiful ;-)
Ozdabialiƛmy everything was at hand, which is different lukrami, posypkami, chocolate and what they could.

recipe for gingerbread cookies:

55 grams of flour (+ more for dusting)
30 grams of honey (I added a buckwheat honey)
10 grams caster sugar 12 grams butter

1 egg 2 teaspoons baking soda
spice for gingerbread house - about 60 grams (you can give less, I do own)
cocoa (optional, I added 3 tsp) Honey

heat, all ingredients combine and knead thoroughly. Roll out to about 3 mm and cut foremkami. Bake 8 - 10 minutes at 180 degrees C

Oops! The whole apartment smells like gingerbread!!


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