Thursday, April 14, 2011

How Do You Know If A Male Scopio Still Like You

lambs bread cooked

Every year before Easter lambs bread I bake for friends and their children. This year was already seven such słodziaków :-) 2 of them tomorrow, "will go" to school my children. I really like to prepare for the holidays.

Cake recipe: Cake

is doing so to the eye;)
Ok 1 kg of flour,
3 packages dry yeast
few tablespoons of sugar, so 5-6

teaspoon salt 3 eggs 1

cup warm milk 1 / 3 cube of margarine

knead all the ingredients thoroughly, if the dough is too pouring flour add:)
wait until the cake will grow, and translate parties in a greased cake mold and bake about 40 minutes at 200 degrees Celsius
With this batch of dough comes out about 5 lambs.

After cooling, the lambs lukruję and spills with sugar.


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